Source code for s3l.Experiments

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class to implement the process of semi-supervised learning experiments.
from .datasets import data_manipulate, base
from .base import BaseExperiments
from .utils.log_utils import get_logger
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
from copy import deepcopy
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['SslExperimentsWithoutGraph', 'SslExperimentsWithGraph']

LOGGER = get_logger('Experiments')

[docs]class SslExperimentsWithoutGraph(BaseExperiments): """Semi-supervised learning experiments without graph. This class implements a common process of SSL experiments in both transductive and inductive settings. It optimize the hyper-parameters using grid-search policy which is paralleled using multi-processing. Parameters ---------- transductive : boolean, optional (default=True) The experiment is transductive if True else inductive. n_jobs : int, optional (default=1) The nunmber of jobs to run the experiemnt. all_class : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether all split should have all classes. Attributes ---------------- performance_metric_name : string, optional (default='accuracy_score') The name of the metric. metri_param : dict, optional (default={}) A dict store the datasets : list A list of tuple which store the information of datasets to run. configs : list A list of tuple which store the information of algorithms to evaluate. performance_metric : callable A callable object which is the evaluating method. metri_param: dict A dict which store the parameters for self.performance_metric. Notes ----- 1. Multi-processing requests the estimator to be picklable. You may refer to `__getstate__` and `__setstate__` methods when your self-defined estimator has some problems with serialization. """ def __init__(self, transductive=True, n_jobs=1, metri_param=dict(), all_class=True): super(SslExperimentsWithoutGraph, self).__init__( transductive=transductive, n_jobs=n_jobs, all_class=all_class)
[docs] def experiments_on_datasets(self, unlabel_ratio=0.8, test_ratio=0.3, number_init=5): """ The datasets are splits randomly or based on given splits. Get Label/Unlabel splits for each dataset in this funciton and conduct experiments on them. Results are stored for each dataset. Parameters ---------- unlabel_ratio : float The ratio of test data for each dataset. number_init : int Different label initializations for each dataset. Returns ------- results : dict {dataset_name: {config_name:[scores]} } """ if len(self.datasets) == 0: LOGGER.debug("Haven't specified datasets.") return results = dict() # dict: {dataset_name: {config_name:[scores]} } best_estimators = dict() # dict: {dataset_name: {config_name: [estimators]} } for name, feature_file, label_file, split_path, _ in self.datasets: # load dataset X, y = base.load_dataset(name, feature_file, label_file) LOGGER.debug("Load dataset {}".format(name)) if split_path: # provided split file _, test_idxs, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs = \ data_manipulate.split_load(split_path, name) # load split_file from disk else: # no provided split file if self.transductive: _, test_idxs, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs = \ data_manipulate.inductive_split(X=X, y=y, test_ratio=0., initial_label_rate=1 - unlabel_ratio, split_count=number_init, all_class=self.all_class ) else: _, test_idxs, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs = \ data_manipulate.inductive_split(X=X, y=y, test_ratio=test_ratio, initial_label_rate=( 1 - test_ratio) * (1 - unlabel_ratio), split_count=number_init, all_class=self.all_class) results[name], best_estimators[name], preds = \ self._experiment_on_single_dataset(X=X, y=y, labeled_idxs=labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs=unlabeled_idxs, test_idxs=test_idxs, number_init=number_init) # RUN self._evaluate_selected_model(data_name=name, preds=preds, y_truth=y, unlabeled_idxs=unlabeled_idxs) ######### # Do something on results ######### return results
def _experiment_on_single_dataset(self, X, y, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs, test_idxs, number_init=5): """ Experiments with different label initialization on a single dataset. Called by experiments_on_datasets method. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Feaetures y : np.ndarray Labels labeled_idxs : list of [array-like] List of labeled_idxs unlabeled_idxs : list of [array-like] List of unlabeled_idxs test_idxs : list of [array-like] List of testing_idxs number_init : int Number of differnt initialized labeled data Returns ------- AveScores : dict === {config_name : [float] } A dict storing the average result of each estimator BestEstimators : dict === {config_name : [estimator] } A dict storing the best estimator in each config preds: dict === {config_name : [np.ndarray] } A dict storing the prediction of the best estimator on testing data """ # label/unlabel initialization number_init = len(labeled_idxs) if labeled_idxs is not None \ else number_init # experiments on given configs scores = dict() # config_name -> [score_1, score_2,..., score_num_initial] estimators = dict() # config_name -> [estimator_1, ..., estimator] preds = dict() for name, estimator, param_dict in self.configs: # for all configs LOGGER.debug("Estimator: {}".format(name)) if self.transductive: if self.n_jobs == 1 or self.n_jobs == 0: scores[name] = [0.] * number_init estimators[name] = [[]] * number_init preds[name] = [[]] * number_init for i in range(number_init): # for each data split scores[name][i], estimators[name][i], preds[name][i] = \ SslExperimentsWithoutGraph._evaluate_on_single_split( name=name, estimator=estimator, param_dict=param_dict, X=X, y=y, labeled_idx=labeled_idxs[i], unlabeled_idx=unlabeled_idxs[i], performance_metric=self.performance_metric, metri_param=self.metri_param, metri_large_better=self.metri_large_better, transductive=self.transductive) else: # Multiprocessing tmp = Parallel(n_jobs=min(number_init, self.n_jobs), verbose=30)(delayed( SslExperimentsWithoutGraph._evaluate_on_single_split)( name=name, estimator=deepcopy(estimator), param_dict=param_dict, X=X, y=y, labeled_idx=labeled_idxs[i], unlabeled_idx=unlabeled_idxs[i], performance_metric=self.performance_metric, metri_param=self.metri_param, metri_large_better=self.metri_large_better, transductive=self.transductive) for i in range(number_init)) scores[name] = [t[0] for t in tmp] estimators[name] = [t[1] for t in tmp] preds[name] = [t[2] for t in tmp] else: if self.n_jobs == 1 or self.n_jobs == 0: scores[name] = [0.] * number_init estimators[name] = [[]] * number_init preds[name] = [[]] * number_init for i in range(number_init): # for each data split scores[name][i], estimators[name][i], preds[name][i] = \ SslExperimentsWithoutGraph._evaluate_on_single_split( name=name, estimator=estimator, param_dict=param_dict, X=X, y=y, labeled_idx=labeled_idxs[i], unlabeled_idx=unlabeled_idxs[i], performance_metric=self.performance_metric, metri_param=self.metri_param, metri_large_better=self.metri_large_better, transductive=self.transductive, test_idx=test_idxs[i]) else: # Multiprocessing tmp = Parallel(n_jobs=min(number_init, self.n_jobs), verbose=30)(delayed( SslExperimentsWithoutGraph._evaluate_on_single_split)( name=name, estimator=deepcopy(estimator), param_dict=param_dict, X=X, y=y, labeled_idx=labeled_idxs[i], unlabeled_idx=unlabeled_idxs[i], performance_metric=self.performance_metric, metri_param=self.metri_param, metri_large_better=self.metri_large_better, transductive=self.transductive, test_idx=test_idxs[i]) for i in range(number_init)) scores[name] = [t[0] for t in tmp] estimators[name] = [t[1] for t in tmp] preds[name] = [t[2] for t in tmp] return scores, estimators, preds @classmethod def _evaluate_on_single_split(cls, name, estimator, param_dict, X, y, labeled_idx, unlabeled_idx, performance_metric, metri_param, metri_large_better, transductive, test_idx=None, k=3, search_strategy="grid_search"): """ Run single algorithm given parameters for a label initialization on single dataset and get the evaluation in given metric. Implement the gridsearch hyper-param optimization. A unit of multiprocessing job. Parameters ---------- name : string estimator : object X : np.ndarray y : np.ndarray labeled_idx :np.ndarray unlabeled_idx : np.ndarray performance_metric : callable metri_param : dict metri_large_better : boolean transductive : boolean test_idx : np.ndarray or None, optional Used in inductive setting. Should be None when self.transductive=True. k : int k-fold search_strategy : str Returns ------- score: float Evaluation score on the test data. estimator: object The best model for the label initialization. pred: np.ndarray The prediction made by the best model. """ param_list = list(ParameterGrid(param_dict)) best_param = None best_score = -9999 # label data split train_idxs, validation_idxs = data_manipulate.cv_split(X=X, y=y, instance_indexes=labeled_idx, k=k, split_count=1, all_class=True) if transductive: # transductive setting for param in param_list: # hyper-parameter optimization with CV or other methods. LOGGER.debug("Estimator: {} params: {}".format(name, param)) estimator.set_params(param) # need set_params score = [0.] * len(train_idxs) # PARALLEL HERE for i in range(len(train_idxs)):, y, train_idxs[i]) pred = estimator.predict(validation_idxs[i]) score[i] = performance_metric(y[validation_idxs[i]], pred, metri_param) LOGGER.debug("Training performance {}/{}-Fold: {}".format(i, k, score[i])) if metri_large_better: if np.average(score) > best_score: best_param = param best_score = np.average(score) else: if np.average(score) < best_score: best_param = param best_score = np.average(score) # Select the best_param, refit the estimator estimator.set_params(best_param), y, labeled_idx) pred = estimator.predict(unlabeled_idx) best_score = performance_metric(y[unlabeled_idx], pred, metri_param) LOGGER.debug("Validation performance: {}".format(best_score)) return best_score, estimator, pred else: # inductive setting for param in param_list: # hyper-parameter optimization with CV or other methods. LOGGER.debug("Estimator: {} params: {}".format(name, param)) estimator.set_params(param) # need set_params score = [0.] * len(train_idxs) for i in range(len(train_idxs)): # train with instances in train_idx and unlabeled_idx idx_tmp = np.concatenate([train_idxs[i], unlabeled_idx]) X_tmp = X[idx_tmp, :] y_tmp = y[idx_tmp, :], y_tmp, np.arange(len(train_idxs[i]))) pred = estimator.predict(X[validation_idxs[i], :]) score[i] = performance_metric(y[validation_idxs[i]], pred, metri_param) LOGGER.debug("Training performance {}/{}-Fold: {}".format(i, k, score[i])) if metri_large_better: if np.average(score) > best_score: best_param = param best_score = np.average(score) else: if np.average(score) < best_score: best_param = param best_score = np.average(score) # Select the best_param, refit the estimator estimator.set_params(best_param) # train with instances in labeled_idx and unlabeled_idx idx_tmp = np.concatenate([labeled_idx, unlabeled_idx]) X_tmp = X[idx_tmp, :] y_tmp = y[idx_tmp, :], y_tmp, np.arange(len(labeled_idx))) pred = estimator.predict(X[test_idx, :]) best_score = performance_metric(y[test_idx], pred, metri_param) return best_score, estimator, pred
[docs]class SslExperimentsWithGraph(BaseExperiments): """Semi-supervised learning experiments with graph. This class implements a common process of SSL experiments in both transductive and inductive settings for graph-based methods. It optimize the hyper-parameters using grid-search policy which is paralleled using multi-processing. Parameters ---------- transductive : boolean, optional (default=True) The experiment is transductive if True else inductive. n_jobs : int, optional (default=1) The nunmber of jobs to run the experiemnt. all_class : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether all split should have all classes. Attributes ---------------- performance_metric_name : string, optional (default='accuracy_score') The name of the metric. metri_param : dict, optional (default={}) A dict store the datasets : list A list of tuple which store the information of datasets to run. configs : list A list of tuple which store the information of algorithms to evaluate. performance_metric : callable A callable object which is the evaluating method. metri_param: dict A dict which store the parameters for self.performance_metric. Notes ----- 1. Multi-processing requests the estimator to be picklable. You may refer to `__getstate__` and `__setstate__` methods when your self-defined estimator has some problems with serialization. """ def __init__(self, n_jobs=1): super(SslExperimentsWithGraph, self).__init__( transductive=True, n_jobs=n_jobs)
[docs] def experiments_on_datasets(self, unlabel_ratio=0.8, test_ratio=0.3, number_init=5): """ The datasets are splits randomly or based on given splits. Get Label/Unlabel splits for each dataset in this funciton and conduct experiments on them. Results are stored for each dataset. Parameters ---------- unlabel_ratio : float The ratio of unlabeled data for each dataset. test_ratio : float The ratio of test data for each dataset. Is invalid when `transductive`=True. number_init : int Different label initializations for each dataset. Returns ------- results : dict {dataset_name: {config_name:[scores]} } """ if len(self.datasets) == 0: LOGGER.debug("Haven't specified datasets.") return results = dict() # dict === {dataset_name: {config_name:[scores]} } best_estimators = dict() # dict === {dataset_name: {config_name: [estimators]} } for name, feature_file, label_file, split_path, graph_file \ in self.datasets: # load dataset X, y = base.load_dataset(name, feature_file, label_file) W = base.load_graph(name, graph_file) if split_path: # provided split file _, test_idxs, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs = \ data_manipulate.split_load(split_path, name) # load split_file from disk else: # no provided split file if self.transductive: _, test_idxs, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs = \ data_manipulate.inductive_split(X=X, y=y, test_ratio=0., initial_label_rate=1 - unlabel_ratio, split_count=number_init, all_class=True, saving_path='.') else: _, test_idxs, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs = \ data_manipulate.inductive_split(X=X, y=y, test_ratio=test_ratio, initial_label_rate=(1 - test_ratio ) * (1 - unlabel_ratio), split_count=number_init, all_class=True, saving_path='.') results[name], best_estimators[name], preds = \ self._experiment_on_single_dataset(X=X, y=y, W=W, labeled_idxs=labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs=unlabeled_idxs, test_idxs=test_idxs, number_init=number_init) self._evaluate_selected_model(data_name=name, preds=preds, y_truth=y, unlabeled_idxs=unlabeled_idxs) ######### # Do something on results ######### return results
def _experiment_on_single_dataset(self, X, y, W, labeled_idxs, unlabeled_idxs, test_idxs, number_init=5): """Experiments with different label initialization on a single dataset. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Feaetures y : np.ndarray Labels labeled_idxs : list of [array-like] List of labeled_idxs unlabeled_idxs : list of [array-like] List of unlabeled_idxs test_idxs : list of [array-like] List of testing_idxs number_init : int Number of differnt initialized labeled data Returns ------- AveScores : dict === {config_name : [float] } A dict storing the average result of each estimator BestEstimators : dict === {config_name : [estimator] } A dict storing the best estimator in each config preds: dict === {config_name : [np.ndarray] } A dict storing the prediction of the best estimator on testing data """ # label/unlabel initialization if not isinstance(labeled_idxs, list): labeled_idxs = labeled_idxs.tolist() number_init = len(labeled_idxs) if labeled_idxs else number_init # experiments on given configs scores = dict() # config_name -> [score_1, score_2,..., score_num_initial] estimators = dict() # config_name -> [estimator_1, ..., estimator] preds = dict() for name, estimator, param_dict in self.configs: # for all configs if self.n_jobs == 1 or self.n_jobs == 0: scores[name] = [0.] * number_init estimators[name] = [[]] * number_init preds[name] = [[]] * number_init for i in range(number_init): # for each data split scores[name][i], estimators[name][i], preds[name][i] = \ SslExperimentsWithGraph._evaluate_on_single_split( name=name, estimator=estimator, param_dict=param_dict, X=X, y=y, W=W, labeled_idx=labeled_idxs[i], unlabeled_idx=unlabeled_idxs[i], performance_metric=self.performance_metric, metri_param=self.metri_param, metri_large_better=self.metri_large_better, transductive=self.transductive) else: # Multiprocessing tmp = Parallel(n_jobs=min(number_init, self.n_jobs), verbose=30)(delayed( SslExperimentsWithGraph._evaluate_on_single_split)( name=name, estimator=estimator, param_dict=param_dict, X=X, y=y, W=W, labeled_idx=labeled_idxs[i], unlabeled_idx=unlabeled_idxs[i], performance_metric=self.performance_metric, metri_param=self.metri_param, metri_large_better=self.metri_large_better, transductive=self.transductive) for i in range(number_init)) scores[name] = [t[0] for t in tmp] estimators[name] = [t[1] for t in tmp] preds[name] = [t[2] for t in tmp] return scores, estimators, preds @classmethod def _evaluate_on_single_split(cls, name, estimator, param_dict, X, y, W, labeled_idx, unlabeled_idx, performance_metric, metri_param, metri_large_better, transductive, test_idx=None, k=3, search_strategy="grid_search"): """ Run single algorithm given parameters for a label initialization on single dataset and get the evaluation in given metric. Implement the gridsearch hyper-param optimization. A unit of multiprocessing job. Parameters ---------- name : string estimator : object X : np.ndarray y : np.ndarray W : np.ndarray labeled_idx :np.ndarray unlabeled_idx : np.ndarray performance_metric : callable metri_param : dict metri_large_better : boolean transductive : boolean test_idx : np.ndarray or None, optional Used in inductive setting. Should be None when self.transductive=True. k : int k-fold search_strategy : str Returns ------- score: float Evaluation score on the test data. estimator: object The best model for the label initialization. pred: np.ndarray The prediction made by the best model. Examples ------- >>> param_grid = {'a': [1, 2], 'b': [True, False]} >>> list(ParameterGrid(param_grid)) == ( [{'a': 1, 'b': True}, {'a': 1, 'b': False}, {'a': 2, 'b': True}, {'a': 2, 'b': False}]) >>> param_grid = {} >>> list(ParameterGrid(param_grid)) == [{}] """ param_list = list(ParameterGrid(param_dict)) best_param = None best_score = -9999 # label data split train_idxs, validation_idxs = data_manipulate.cv_split(X=X, y=y, instance_indexes=labeled_idx, k=k, split_count=1, all_class=True) for param in param_list: # hyper-parameter optimization with CV or other methods. estimator.set_params(param) # need set_params score = [0.] * len(train_idxs) for i in range(len(train_idxs)):, y, train_idxs[i], W) pred = estimator.predict(validation_idxs[i]) score[i] = performance_metric(y[validation_idxs[i]], pred, metri_param) if metri_large_better: if np.average(score) > best_score: best_param = param best_score = np.average(score) else: if np.average(score) < best_score: best_param = param best_score = np.average(score) # Select the best_param, refit the estimator estimator.set_params(best_param), y, labeled_idx, W) pred = estimator.predict(unlabeled_idx) best_score = performance_metric(y[unlabeled_idx], pred, metri_param) return best_score, estimator, pred